Big hello, everyone!
Today is a special day! :-) At least it "looks" like it when writing it. This brings me the idea of the difference between Japan and other countries when writing the dates. Actually here is a bit like in the United States (first the month and then the day). I keep making mistakes but today it does not matter! ;-)
I am excited, the first visits are about to arrive. Well, actually there are not really "visits" but colleagues from work that are coming. I look forward to seeing them and enjoy the time here.
The weather is beautiful today. I have to say that since the beginning of September, the temperatures have dropped a lot. Now I don´t have the feeling of sweating all the time and even yesterday night had the need to use a sweater. I have not used sweter, jacket or closed shoes for 3 months. Yes, almost 3 months already here and I can say that I feel settled now.
Thanks God my computer problem (Internet) is fixed and I will try to come by more often.
It seems as everybody "is back to work". Back in Europe I received more messages, here the streets are crowdier than in August (specially the first half you could notice everywhere a lot that people were on annual leave).
I see back the school girls and boys in their uniforms (the girls with their traditional skirt over the knee, socks under the kneww, sweater and necktie or bow tie). It had been a while I did not see ladies (normally "salary women" wearing black tights under the knee (I don´t like the way it looks!). I have noticed as well that there are less and less people wearing masks (I don´t wonder, I guess that during summer the use of it drops naturally because it must make you sweat even more!).
I have to thank Tsubayama-san and the TA for their kind help to solve for the problems on the phone. I feel so powerless to make myself understood when I cannot see the people! :-( Without them it would have been impossible. Yesterday I also asked a lady in the supermarket what was the product that was announced on a label with a price because I could not see the difference between to tags. She was very kind.
I am watching the news. I feel that I am in a "historical moment". After the elections a couple of weeks ago and after 50 years of the same government, Japanese people have decided to "change" the party that rules the country!!! :-)) I think this is a good sign (although I did not see the people too enthusiastic about it before or after the poll) and let´s see what it brings.
Before going and joining some pictures, I want to congratulate V & K for their baby!
I´ll come back soon. Be good!