Hello everyone/Konnichiwa minna-san !
Welcome to my blog. If you came to this point is because you must know that I am moving to Japan very soon.
I have to say that I couldn-t be more happy and excited about it :-)
Getting to this point has not been easy. Going to Asia to spend some time and work there in order to have a global education and professional experience have been in my mind for many years.
I have been preparing this adventure for very long time but especially the last months everything went in my favour and helped to shape my dream and make it come true.
I consider the timing could not be better and I am looking forward to sharing with you my next moves! :-)
As some of you know I have been travelling quite a lot the last months. Preparing for Japan has taken me to Paris, Milan and London, where I have learnt tons about culture, history, politics, religion and society, business & management, work, life, protocole and of course... Japanese!!
At the same time I've got to know my new colleagues, the ones that will go to Japan with me (or me with them!) and the ones that will move to Korea with the same programme and the ones from Japan. Young and enthusiastic people from all over Europe, different companies, similar mindsets, same destination.
So far great time together and learning a lot from everyone (specially the ones that have already some experience with Japanese culture!). Enjoying every minute of it!!
What I knew and what I have added to my knowledge in the last months have not only motivated more to enjoy this journey but also to discover the country and its people.
I can imagine that you have plenty of questions: Why Japan? What are your interests? What will you do there? Where will you live? Do you go alone? When will you come back?... and I have plenty of answers!!!... but you will discover by yourselves if you follow regularly my postings ;-)
I admit that I am not very fond of computers, cell phones or other gadgets and that I prefer and value far more human interaction face to face. However, since this will be quite difficult from now and I am going to live in one of the most technologically advance countries in the word, I have decided to create this blog so that you can keep track of what I am up to.
You know (if not you will know soon) I am not in favour of making strict plans in life but just have a line that fits my principles and values. I think I am quite flexible and tolerant, I enjoy meeting people and broadening horizons, I love to surprise myself every day by doing something new... I like enjoying life, discovering new things, sharing experiences, better myself off, grow as a person... in short, I need to feel I am alive! :-)
This is all for the moment.
This blog will become more active from June 1st 2009.
Don't forget to drop by from time to time and leave a word if possible. I would like to know how do you do! :-)
Any idea for this blog is more than welcome. Thanks in advance!
Dewa mata suguni ne/ See you soon,
マルタ Marta
One of my favourite mottos:
“Imagine that the key to happiness is following your own intuition instead of other peoples’ opinions and advice.” – unknown