Only 2 days left and my "to do/meet/see" list is still half way.
The last days have been great (and not only due to soccer results ;-)) I attach a link of a Japanese newspaper in English)
Despite the high temperatures and humidity, it is great to be outside all the time. Everyday had lunch or dinner with ex-colleagues from work and now friends. With each one of them I feel great and I thank for their time and attention.
On 7th, Wednesday, we celebrated "Tanabata", the Star Festival in Japan. It is derived from a legend where Orihime (Star Vega) and Hikoboshi (Star Altair) are lovers separated by the Milky Way and are only allowed to meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month. People write their wishes on narrow strips of colored paper (tanzaku) and hang them with other decorations on bamboo branches. It is a fun celebration, especially for kids but us (Katagiri-san, Tsuda-san, Yokoyama-san, Funamori-san and myself wrote our wishes and then moved on to a restaurant, behind Tokyo tower , for a nice dinner).
Friday, 9 July 2010
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Saturday.. more social life
I am afraid that 2 weeks is not enough. There is too much too do and many people I want to see.
For instance, met at lunch time in Ikebukuro station with Taira-sensei. We have not seen each other for 3 months but it is like since yesterday and she has proved her memory is excellent! :-)
Later come to Sakura hostel (Ikebukuro) to use the Wireless connection with my laptop but something is going wrong with the keyboard (I read in Internet that might be due to high temperatures and sensitive components of the computer??). It was funny to see the two Dutch boys that I met a few days ago watching the match Netherlands-Slovakia that today they decided to wear the orange T-shirt during the day as well (may be they haven`t even gone to bed because too much party??).
Tonight... really late (3:30am. here) the Spain-Paraguay match.
I received yesterday a note from Oskar who invited me to a "Spanish" reunion to watch the match in an Izakaya in Shibuya. Of course, I feel like joining. I know Oskar from his blog that I found before coming to Japan and keep reading because I like the way he describes his life in Japan (Oskar, if you don`t like that I mention your name, tell me!) . Besides, Oskar comes from the same region in Spain as I do. Both have exchanged several e-mails but never met in person so... it`s high time we can see each other and not virtually! ;-)
Will report on tonight`s vibrant evening soon!
Take care and enjoy your weekend!
For instance, met at lunch time in Ikebukuro station with Taira-sensei. We have not seen each other for 3 months but it is like since yesterday and she has proved her memory is excellent! :-)
Later come to Sakura hostel (Ikebukuro) to use the Wireless connection with my laptop but something is going wrong with the keyboard (I read in Internet that might be due to high temperatures and sensitive components of the computer??). It was funny to see the two Dutch boys that I met a few days ago watching the match Netherlands-Slovakia that today they decided to wear the orange T-shirt during the day as well (may be they haven`t even gone to bed because too much party??).
Tonight... really late (3:30am. here) the Spain-Paraguay match.
I received yesterday a note from Oskar who invited me to a "Spanish" reunion to watch the match in an Izakaya in Shibuya. Of course, I feel like joining. I know Oskar from his blog that I found before coming to Japan and keep reading because I like the way he describes his life in Japan (Oskar, if you don`t like that I mention your name, tell me!) . Besides, Oskar comes from the same region in Spain as I do. Both have exchanged several e-mails but never met in person so... it`s high time we can see each other and not virtually! ;-)
Will report on tonight`s vibrant evening soon!
Take care and enjoy your weekend!
Another special and long day
Today I have met in Waseda 3 of my colleagues from the event I had the chance to attend in Taipei (Taiwan) last year. It was nice to see: Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese and me!. It has been a fast lunch (due to the lessons from some of them) but afterward had ice coffee with Park (Korea) and nice chat about passions, how to live life with the cultural differences that we have or "clich`es" from his country. Really a positive and nice time with this super gentlement with a bright future.
Afterwards, no having able to solve my phone problem, I have gone directly to meet Mizuno-san (Ms). Mizuno-san was a lecturer from one course I followed but what at the beginning was a "friends" meeting it turned out to be more "business meeting". Mizuno-san works for a Patent Attorney`s firm and I have had the pleasure to visit the office and meet the, around 300 employees. Everybody was very warm and appreciated my "nihongo" and their face changed even more when they learnt what company I come from ;-)
Together with Shimomichi-san (Mr) I have been invited to have dinner in a fancy and luxurious French Restaurant in the Marunouchi Building, in front of Tokyo station. The conversation has been very fluid and fun. We have learnt a lot from each other and started a nice relationship.
After the dinner, almost 23:00! (meaning that in Europe -and South Africa- was 16:00 and time for the Brazil-Netherlands match). Did not have time to go home for my orange T-shirt and went directly to the pub with a great atmosphere. Although most people were japanese (some wearing orange T-shirts, others with yellow and green ), there were also some "gaikokujin" (foreigners). Visually it is quite easy to identify "gaikokujins" but what at the beginning you may think that in Japan everybody but foreigners shall be Japanese... no, no, no! ...there is a big portion of Korean, Chinese (or mixed) fellows that for us could look similar.
This week has been incredible, under really different circumstances, either Japanese approached me or a I approached and started nice conversations. Yesterday was also nice, two boys and two girls shared my table and started communicating (both in English and Japanese). After the match they left for Karaoke but I stayed with some other... let`s put it this way... interesting one(s)...;-) until really the morning (arrived home at 7:30 a.m.). I can say more than ever... whatever happened in Japan... stays in Japan! ;-)
On the football (soccer) side... Netherlands defeated Brazil and that is a reason for being proud of. Congratulations Dutch Friends!!! Hup, hup, Holland!
I have simpathy as well for the team from Ghana. They did an excellent job.
Somehow thanks to the world cup there is a lot of theme for conversation with the people in the streets. Spain is not an invisible country and thanks to Villa-Torres-Fabregas, Xavi... or the rest of the team, now from this side of the world, people know more and better where it is placed geographycally. Great promotion!! (national government and tourist offices/agencies.... take note).
Afterwards, no having able to solve my phone problem, I have gone directly to meet Mizuno-san (Ms). Mizuno-san was a lecturer from one course I followed but what at the beginning was a "friends" meeting it turned out to be more "business meeting". Mizuno-san works for a Patent Attorney`s firm and I have had the pleasure to visit the office and meet the, around 300 employees. Everybody was very warm and appreciated my "nihongo" and their face changed even more when they learnt what company I come from ;-)
Together with Shimomichi-san (Mr) I have been invited to have dinner in a fancy and luxurious French Restaurant in the Marunouchi Building, in front of Tokyo station. The conversation has been very fluid and fun. We have learnt a lot from each other and started a nice relationship.
After the dinner, almost 23:00! (meaning that in Europe -and South Africa- was 16:00 and time for the Brazil-Netherlands match). Did not have time to go home for my orange T-shirt and went directly to the pub with a great atmosphere. Although most people were japanese (some wearing orange T-shirts, others with yellow and green ), there were also some "gaikokujin" (foreigners). Visually it is quite easy to identify "gaikokujins" but what at the beginning you may think that in Japan everybody but foreigners shall be Japanese... no, no, no! ...there is a big portion of Korean, Chinese (or mixed) fellows that for us could look similar.
This week has been incredible, under really different circumstances, either Japanese approached me or a I approached and started nice conversations. Yesterday was also nice, two boys and two girls shared my table and started communicating (both in English and Japanese). After the match they left for Karaoke but I stayed with some other... let`s put it this way... interesting one(s)...;-) until really the morning (arrived home at 7:30 a.m.). I can say more than ever... whatever happened in Japan... stays in Japan! ;-)
On the football (soccer) side... Netherlands defeated Brazil and that is a reason for being proud of. Congratulations Dutch Friends!!! Hup, hup, Holland!
I have simpathy as well for the team from Ghana. They did an excellent job.
Somehow thanks to the world cup there is a lot of theme for conversation with the people in the streets. Spain is not an invisible country and thanks to Villa-Torres-Fabregas, Xavi... or the rest of the team, now from this side of the world, people know more and better where it is placed geographycally. Great promotion!! (national government and tourist offices/agencies.... take note).
Thursday, 1 July 2010
July... starting the sales
Wow... today I really slept long! :-))
I am at Valentina´s place, who is kindly hosting me during this days while she is preparing for an advance Japanese language exam.
The thing is that as I had some jet-lag and the previous nights I had hardly slept due (thanks) to the soccer championship, I really needed to catch up for next exciting days ;-) (starting from today, spotted another place near my new address to watch the matches without worrying about the last train at midnight).
Today I went to say hello to the volunteer teachers from the "Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza" where used to go to practice Japanese once a week. I have met by coincidence with the friend of my Korean friend (Kim, of course!). This friend of Kim comes from Uzbekistan and in one year has learnt more Japanese that I could ever dream in my life. I admire him so much! :-) He will enter Japanese University in September.
I have also seen Ryoji-san, who did not expect me and was gladly surprised. After their lesson, we went to a nice taiwanese restaurant.
Many people on the streets today (but that is quite normal in this city -and one of the sides that I love ;-)) After a while, realized that it was the beginning of the "sales" period and can be really good. The choice is so big that it is not fun anymore to go shopping. Then I have problems with the sizes... so no paradise for me. I concentrate on the social life!
Yesterday I went on a "ladies-night" out with 3 Japanese girls, Valentina and Julie (who, by the way, is a French illustrator and happens to know the author of the books from my post 2 days ago! -small world!-. Lots of nice chatting and getting to know a new "layer" of Japanese mentality. Specially I was impressed by Risako-san. It was the first time I met her but is certainly a person to keep in touch with.
I don´t have Internet access at Valentina´s place so the updates will not be as often as you may expect ;-)
Kind regards!
I am at Valentina´s place, who is kindly hosting me during this days while she is preparing for an advance Japanese language exam.
The thing is that as I had some jet-lag and the previous nights I had hardly slept due (thanks) to the soccer championship, I really needed to catch up for next exciting days ;-) (starting from today, spotted another place near my new address to watch the matches without worrying about the last train at midnight).
Today I went to say hello to the volunteer teachers from the "Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza" where used to go to practice Japanese once a week. I have met by coincidence with the friend of my Korean friend (Kim, of course!). This friend of Kim comes from Uzbekistan and in one year has learnt more Japanese that I could ever dream in my life. I admire him so much! :-) He will enter Japanese University in September.
I have also seen Ryoji-san, who did not expect me and was gladly surprised. After their lesson, we went to a nice taiwanese restaurant.
Many people on the streets today (but that is quite normal in this city -and one of the sides that I love ;-)) After a while, realized that it was the beginning of the "sales" period and can be really good. The choice is so big that it is not fun anymore to go shopping. Then I have problems with the sizes... so no paradise for me. I concentrate on the social life!
Yesterday I went on a "ladies-night" out with 3 Japanese girls, Valentina and Julie (who, by the way, is a French illustrator and happens to know the author of the books from my post 2 days ago! -small world!-. Lots of nice chatting and getting to know a new "layer" of Japanese mentality. Specially I was impressed by Risako-san. It was the first time I met her but is certainly a person to keep in touch with.
I don´t have Internet access at Valentina´s place so the updates will not be as often as you may expect ;-)
Kind regards!
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Some pictures from the first day

It is not my style to pay for something and make publicity while wearing a garment, that´s may be why I did not buy it! ;-) (besides, my flight to Japan was with KLM and did not have small TV where I could chose the movies I wanted to watch... and I am used to this kind of planes for long flights!)

Yesterday in Shibuya, I also visited the official shop from a famous sport wear company. There, huge prices for the "official"T-shirts. I want to get one for me but if waited for a few days may be would get them with discount?? I will go today again! ;-)
In this shop, there was a very cheerful atmosphere and the music helped. I asked about the song and was referred to it as the group "Exile" (I know a few Jpop groups but not this one). I loved the song and will keep it in my ears for long remembering the "hope" and good times that the Blue Samurai have given to Japanese... and not so Japanese :-)
Here the link to the video
A new warm day in Tokyo.
I went to bed after 5 in the morning (already day light since 4:00 am) because watched both soccer matches. Had a great time with Japanese people cheering their time and belonging a big "more Japanese" with them and also with the Spanish team that, to my opinion, did perform a great match (worth to stay awake! :-))
Got up at 10:00.
Yesterday had dinner with 6 colleagues from work (well, I did not work with them but thanks to the social skills of Itsuki-san that is the most European Japanese that I have ever met).
One of the ladies, patent examiner in computer security systems is going to America for some time, so it was her farewell dinner. I happened to be in time to mention about a problem that I have listening to Japanese radios from my computer (yes, I am not a computer person, so anything could be very easy but I did not manage to make it happen to listen with Windows Media Player for some reason and wonder if their system was different). She gave me a super hint to listen Japanese radio stations and am super happy for that. From now on, I will be able to listen again to my favorite stations. The website is
and have checked that it works.
Then, good news from Europe as well that have made my day a bit happier (than it already was :-))
A new warm day in Tokyo.
I went to bed after 5 in the morning (already day light since 4:00 am) because watched both soccer matches. Had a great time with Japanese people cheering their time and belonging a big "more Japanese" with them and also with the Spanish team that, to my opinion, did perform a great match (worth to stay awake! :-))
Got up at 10:00.
Yesterday had dinner with 6 colleagues from work (well, I did not work with them but thanks to the social skills of Itsuki-san that is the most European Japanese that I have ever met).
One of the ladies, patent examiner in computer security systems is going to America for some time, so it was her farewell dinner. I happened to be in time to mention about a problem that I have listening to Japanese radios from my computer (yes, I am not a computer person, so anything could be very easy but I did not manage to make it happen to listen with Windows Media Player for some reason and wonder if their system was different). She gave me a super hint to listen Japanese radio stations and am super happy for that. From now on, I will be able to listen again to my favorite stations. The website is
and have checked that it works.
Then, good news from Europe as well that have made my day a bit happier (than it already was :-))
Monday, 28 June 2010
First impressions

Skipping the long queues :-)
Happy to have been able to benefit from the Suica and NEX offer to go and move around Tokyo (the lady did not pay attention to my passport as I am not considered "a tourist" ;-))

Because it is rainy season, I was lucky enough to be having a little "nap" (Spanish yoga) during the rain but later on moved on to Shinjuku for a bit of shopping and living "old times" :-)
On the train station in Ikebukuro, a promotional booth from American Express.. I´ve been one of the few accepting the "challenge" to the smiley boys and... have won one of the prizes!! :-)
On the visit to Shinjuku, I passed the gorgeous building where my former apartment was located. It took me a while to find it but must admit that it was really convenient and great there. Fantastic decision I had.
All in all, the impressions today are strange but will change by tomorrow for sure. I am aware that this time is for a couple of weeks but still this city gives me a lot of energy, inspiration and "good vibe".
More walking around, bought some books in Kinokuniya, visit to the always funny "Don Quijote", Uniqlo, getting a "Yukata" and ended having a cider in an Irish pub.
Returning to the hostel, a nice man sitting next to me on the train has asked me a few questions... in English but I could answer in Japanese and he was very hapy about it. His son is a Japanese teacher in Waseda (same place where I spent 5 months last year!). It is suprising also that another Japanese fellow has been speaking to me about football and I could follow with no problem. Definetly the basis are good (thanks to Takayama and Taira sensei!) and feel like going on (although from The Netherlands the motivation is much less... :-((
Back on the hostel, visit to the screen on the terrace to see the score... just started the match NL-Slovakia. I go up to the room to put my orange t-shirt on (the one with the "lion" that fancied for so long) and just realized that Holland is ahead in the score. I go down before I miss something important.
The days are getting busier and busier. Today I just took it as "relaxation" and "first contact". Tomorrow several things in the morning and dinner (possibly with Karaoke) and ending watching the match from Japan (one of the things "to do" in the morning is getting a blue t-shirt to support the national team and become "one of them" ;-))
More impressions very soon. Some pictures to illustrate the day, already posted at the beginning of this entry. Hope you enjoy the summer day in NL and the soccer!! (here 7 hours ahead... is almost midnight).
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Fantastic blog
Find this blog fantastic
I came across this illustrator thanks to a book that Sarah lent me. It was a nice discovery (the name of the book "Tokyo Sanpo"). For those that are familiar with the city, I highly recommend it.
And now... few hours left for the plane.. I am getting super nervous and emotional. It feels exciting and great. Somehow... comparable as if I was going to meet a boyfriend (in spite of the apparent differences ;-))
Doei, bye, hasta pronto, au revoir!
I came across this illustrator thanks to a book that Sarah lent me. It was a nice discovery (the name of the book "Tokyo Sanpo"). For those that are familiar with the city, I highly recommend it.
And now... few hours left for the plane.. I am getting super nervous and emotional. It feels exciting and great. Somehow... comparable as if I was going to meet a boyfriend (in spite of the apparent differences ;-))
Doei, bye, hasta pronto, au revoir!
And I am back... ... in Japan!
Yes, you are reading right. Only a few hours, exactly 8 of them to go back to one of the special places of my life.
Went out last night, one of the "shortest" nights of the year. Had fun. Not much sleep but luckily have 12 hours plane (and still -let´s cross fingers- no problems for sleeping while on the flight).
The last couple of months have been calm, in The Netherlands but at the same time interesting and somehow intense. My life rhythm has been very different to Tokyo and also miss that but also I am happy to be here... because it has been my decision!
I will summarize in my next post about things done in the last weeks (festivities and festivals, celebrations, birthday, trips to Germany, sports fair in Italy, Pilates, visitors, wedding invitation, mini-reunion in a month, visit to family and Friends in Spain... On the not so good side, eyes infection but now ok!!). The most important thing, in April, back to work. Really hard. Took me 2 months to "come back" but the feeling is that I have a "fresh" mind and eyes and feels good.
It is really exciting that I have the opportunity to be back to Japan and have such an exciting set of activities prepared with ex-colleagues from work, friends, Europeans, teachers, more colleagues.... also want to do and visit things that could not do during the hyper-intensive months spent there. Keeping in touch with all the valuable people met in Japan is hard and keeping up my Japanese takes a lot of will power but it is so rewarding that it is worth the effort.
Soccer world cup is a big issue now for people that like sports (am one of them) and although I did not watch TV since came back, now I do and follow with interest the progress of the Japanese teams among others. On Tuesday I will be with them enjoying a historical moment (remember that the national sports is baseball but haven´t met yet a young man that does not like "sakka" :-)
Weather is fantastic in NL at the moment and warm and humid in Tokyo as I expected. Already one year ago that landed there and was surprised by the "rainy season". Now I am mentally prepared.
There are several nice links about Japanese life or business found in the last weeks (by the way, not only NL changed government, also Japan did! -remember passing everyday by Hatoyama-san house when going to work... he is not there anymore!-).
Just posting one about Uniqlo (the Japanese ZARA ;-) )
Hope you enjoy. Talk to you in a few hours with the impressions!
Went out last night, one of the "shortest" nights of the year. Had fun. Not much sleep but luckily have 12 hours plane (and still -let´s cross fingers- no problems for sleeping while on the flight).
The last couple of months have been calm, in The Netherlands but at the same time interesting and somehow intense. My life rhythm has been very different to Tokyo and also miss that but also I am happy to be here... because it has been my decision!
I will summarize in my next post about things done in the last weeks (festivities and festivals, celebrations, birthday, trips to Germany, sports fair in Italy, Pilates, visitors, wedding invitation, mini-reunion in a month, visit to family and Friends in Spain... On the not so good side, eyes infection but now ok!!). The most important thing, in April, back to work. Really hard. Took me 2 months to "come back" but the feeling is that I have a "fresh" mind and eyes and feels good.
It is really exciting that I have the opportunity to be back to Japan and have such an exciting set of activities prepared with ex-colleagues from work, friends, Europeans, teachers, more colleagues.... also want to do and visit things that could not do during the hyper-intensive months spent there. Keeping in touch with all the valuable people met in Japan is hard and keeping up my Japanese takes a lot of will power but it is so rewarding that it is worth the effort.
Soccer world cup is a big issue now for people that like sports (am one of them) and although I did not watch TV since came back, now I do and follow with interest the progress of the Japanese teams among others. On Tuesday I will be with them enjoying a historical moment (remember that the national sports is baseball but haven´t met yet a young man that does not like "sakka" :-)
Weather is fantastic in NL at the moment and warm and humid in Tokyo as I expected. Already one year ago that landed there and was surprised by the "rainy season". Now I am mentally prepared.
There are several nice links about Japanese life or business found in the last weeks (by the way, not only NL changed government, also Japan did! -remember passing everyday by Hatoyama-san house when going to work... he is not there anymore!-).
Just posting one about Uniqlo (the Japanese ZARA ;-) )
Hope you enjoy. Talk to you in a few hours with the impressions!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
I am not gone, will come back soon. Golden week in Japan
Dear friends!
One month without posting.... not far from the last post, isn´t it?
I am writing from Düsseldorf, in Germany, where am spending this long weekend.
I came back to Europe slightly more than 3 weeks ago and although I try to keep it quite simple, I have to deal with a few more things than before. I still miss extremely my life in Japan and look forward to come back soon (as I say, "this time on holiday") in 8 weeks.
For the rest, I am doing very fine. I love this time of the year in The Netherlands and I have received some nice surprises in the last weeks (and some not so nice like the cancellation of one of my trips due to the ash cloud from the "volcano effect").
My intention is to keep posting in this blog, not only my "last hours and days" in Japan but also continue posting what I do in my life from now (only summary, ok?). I keep good track of things going on in Asia (particularly in Japan) and gain more and more knowledge of that country and society that I find so attractive. My Japanese friends are now celebrating their "Golden Week", then I send them greetings.
Bye for now!
One month without posting.... not far from the last post, isn´t it?
I am writing from Düsseldorf, in Germany, where am spending this long weekend.
I came back to Europe slightly more than 3 weeks ago and although I try to keep it quite simple, I have to deal with a few more things than before. I still miss extremely my life in Japan and look forward to come back soon (as I say, "this time on holiday") in 8 weeks.
For the rest, I am doing very fine. I love this time of the year in The Netherlands and I have received some nice surprises in the last weeks (and some not so nice like the cancellation of one of my trips due to the ash cloud from the "volcano effect").
My intention is to keep posting in this blog, not only my "last hours and days" in Japan but also continue posting what I do in my life from now (only summary, ok?). I keep good track of things going on in Asia (particularly in Japan) and gain more and more knowledge of that country and society that I find so attractive. My Japanese friends are now celebrating their "Golden Week", then I send them greetings.
Bye for now!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
More pictures and memories

My Japanese teacher (sensei) in the Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza (volunteer) and her husband took me to a night-cruise in Tokyo last Sunday. This cruise was exceptional because is organized only during Sakura (cherry blossom) times. The cruise consisted on the trip but also dinner and a little show of a Maiko (apprentice Geisha). You can see ser on the next table.
After this cruise we went for dinner to a very traditional place where we had to sit on the floor (something that I did not manage to do with my family over! ;-))

I just liked the poster!

"Japanese garden", part of a traditional house in Miyajima. I wouldn´t mind to have such a house! :-)

Miyajima, near Hiroshima with it famous shrine (cultural heritage)
We arrived with high tide and left with low tide.

Ladies visiting famous temple in Kyoto (we saw a lot of female in their Kimonos... must be a tradition). My visitors joined them for the picture!:-)

Samurai dog in Kyoto
Universidad de las Naciones Unidas en Tokyo -Shibuya- (WIPO tiene mini-oficina allí! :-))

Francesco, Natalja, Rob and Harumi
A picture is worth more than a thousand words?? It depends!! ;-)

"The day after". This picture was taken on March 11th, right after our graduation. We were celebrating Harumi, Rob´s and Francesco´s birthday.
The day after my own graduation, on my way to returning the Kimono and Hakama, I quite a few girls walking around on their "graduation" costume. I asked them politely (in my best Japanese! ;-)) to pose for the picture.
March is the "graduation month" for the Japanese Universities. On April 1st (this is to say, tomorrow!), their student life is over and most of them join the company they will work... in general... for the rest of their life!
In Japan, the fiscal year starts on April 1st and ends on March 31st. March is quite a busy month for most employees and actually is the month where the rate of suicides goes up.

This is the picture of one Kimono shop in the Shinjuku Station (mine!). The fabric and most of the designs of the kimonos are beautiful.. but they are not cheap at all!

Bike parking... mine is the first one! :-)
All the bikes are organized with the handle on the same direction.... I´ve never spoken about it but there are quite some "interesting" and "surprising" jobs (specially for some retired men) that consist on organizing this way the bycicles.

Instituto Cervantes in Tokyo (quite new, by the way. It opened a few months before I landed in Tokyo!)

I made several good pictures on the day that the young Japanese celebrate their "coming of age" day in January but for some reason they did not come out. This is one publicity about it!

This is of an exhibition about Samurais
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Tokyo, farewells, Hanami and culmination

Hello everyone!
It´s been some days... yes, I know... family over and exhausting days!
The two weeks my family was in town we have had intense and beautiful moments. During their last week in Tokyo, the weather was quite awful (a couple of days intensively raining that impeded us to go to Nikko :-((
I can say that they have seen more of "outside Tokyo" than myself again but I hope to come back soon to make it up. During the stay in Tokyo I was the leader ;-) and they saw many places of things quite traditionally "touristic" as well as "daily life" things... I was told they enjoyed a lot and looked so!
Although 2 weeks seemed long... they went really fast. Last Sunday I saw them off and now, 48 hours later, they are back to their routines...
Due to the bad weather, the Sakura season (Hanami ) in Tokyo has started a little bit later but we perceived a flavour of it during our visit to Ueno.
Now is the real countdown. March, although not working anymore, has been an exciting, busy and intense month. Full of celebrations and farewell. On Sunday, after I said goodbye to my family I participated in one event from "FEW" (Foreign Empowered Women in Japan), group of energetic and inspired woman in Japan. Really worth going!!
In the evening I had a meeting with my teacher (sensei) from the "volunteering" place in my neighbourhood (Shinjuku). She and her husband (who also at the time invited some foreigners to celebrate some Christmas party at their house), invited Hélêne and me to have a little cruise in the Tokyo river around the walkways full of cherry blossoms. During the journey we had the exhibition of a Maiko (the young girls aspiring to become Geishas) but not only it was that surprise but later on (I say that life for Japanese people is built around food!) we were taken to a beautiful traditional restaurant where we eat a wonderful dish consisting of some fish boiling in a pan while we were sitting on the floor adding some vegetables to the "nabe" (pan). Really interesting and delicious!
Monday morning... heading for the airport. I want to give a present to myself, after all I have earned it! ;-) Some relaxing days in Indonesia before coming back to Europe!
I am writing from the terrace, viewing the sea, the surfers and the swimming pool. It is sunny (good for my skin tone that has not seen the sun for the last 2 years!) and my plan is.... sunbathing, listening to music, swim and read some books from Japanese literature. In summary, relaxing, enjoying and getting ready for starting life again from a "fresh" point of view, back in Europe and that is why I call it "culmination"... not bad, isn´t it??
Before writing a long "farewell" post and add more pictures (some people prefer pictures to words.... ;-)), I would like to thank everyone that has been reading this blog during the last months.
Please, accept my apologies for not having a very "professional" blog or not updating it as much as I would have liked it. I have to give a big thank to some many expatriates and friends whose blogs have inspired me and taught so much about Japan, life, society or Asia in general.
I intend to continue posting things from time to time. Be certain that this is not the last one! (I have tons of memories and thoughts in my head and will need to vent them somehow!)
I go to the water now... greetings for everyone, be happy and Enjoy Your Life because you are the owner of it!!
Monday, 15 March 2010
Good bye and Welcome

This picture above was taken on Thursday, in a relaxed and happy atmosphere on "the day after" but also with some sadness involved because it was the last chance to see many people that were going to leave Japan a few hours later.
This week has been particularly intense with the farewell drink at work, Graduation ceremony, birthday party from Francesco, Robbie and Harumi... until very early in the morning... On Friday I met Taira-sensei and this time we had lunch and time to chat as friends because before our relationship was Teacher-pupil, really nice time and great teacher ^-^!
I also attended my Thursday evening Shiatsu lessons (and also I teach some Spanish to my class colleague Tatsuda-san). On Saturday, the weekly class at Temple University, before speaking through Skype with my family back in Spain, were ready to take the plane with destination, TOKYO!!
Yesterday, Sunday, sunny day and I have to say that now without the worries of homework, assignments or exams, I enjoy it so differently! ;-)
I met and help Nasayuki-san, a Japanese student from Tokyo University that is doing a research on Basque Language. While I was with him, I thought that somebody was pushing my chair, I turned and there was nobody, it was an "earthquake". Very noticeable one and long (I only had another experience that lasted a few seconds). Because we were sitting in a place looking out to the street, I could see the reactions of the rest of the people, just nothing at the beginning. When we all realized that it was quite a long one we only look up to the sky for a couple of seconds and continued with what we were doing. Luckily I was with Japanese, then, as they are more used than me I observed them and did the same... go on with life!! I thought of my family, they were at that moment at the airport in Spain but I would not inform them because from the distance sounds very scary and is not so much (I admit that I checked on Internet once at home and this time it was on the news in many places!)
I have collected in the last hours some Japanese songs that are added to the "Ipod" on this webpage. Hope you like it (you can scroll down and get the flavour of music currently on the radio).
I also would like to share with you one webpage where I regularly follow Japanese "dramas" or "dorama" (very useful to improve my Japanese skills and also certainly interesting for understanding the culture!). They have English subtitles so it is easy to follow. This page also has Korean and Taiwanese dramas and movies but I concentrated on the Japanese ones to focus better on the language.
Some of the ones that I followed:
- "Haken no Hinkaku" (about a temporary worker in a Japanese Company) - I liked it a lot!
- "Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi)"
- "Real clothes" (is a 2009 dorama)"
- "Magerarenai Onna (the unbending woman)" - Still going on on TV
I have to go... to welcome mum, dad and sis!!.
Will be away for tourism, sightseing, enjoy life and enjoying Japan for a few days. Take care! Kiwotsukete!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
More Japanese music
Graduation ・乾杯
Today has been an important day.
One year ago we all met in Paris to start our programme. One year later, we are graduating in Tokyo!
Very emotional event. I will miss each one of my colleagues. Many of them are going back to their homes in the next hours. I admire each one of them for different reasons. They have been part of the best year of my life.

One year ago we all met in Paris to start our programme. One year later, we are graduating in Tokyo!
Very emotional event. I will miss each one of my colleagues. Many of them are going back to their homes in the next hours. I admire each one of them for different reasons. They have been part of the best year of my life.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
Sakura no Shiori - Video and song
As you know I am a fan of Japanese pop (Korean as well! :-) and yesterday, while watching telly, I saw this video. The song is very new and recently released, but besides the fact that reminded me of the female version of "Les Choristes" (if you remember the movie from 2004), I found the video I found beautiful (I am fond of kimonos and hakamas -may be because I will be wearing one of them in my graduation after tomorrow??-). Just find them gorgeous and think that Japanese girls look absolutely fantastic and gorgeous in their traditional costume. Tell me what you think! (Warning: the beginning is not so nice because it is the preparation of the group and song and the wings the girls are wearing is an extra for the video. The part that I like watching is from minute 2:00).桜の栞_music
About the performers... is the group ABK48 (never heard of them until yesterday), but have been investigating and have an interesting story: Group of female singers made of 48 members divided in 3 groups, having an own theater in Akihabara.... to learn more follow this link桜の栞_music
About the performers... is the group ABK48 (never heard of them until yesterday), but have been investigating and have an interesting story: Group of female singers made of 48 members divided in 3 groups, having an own theater in Akihabara.... to learn more follow this link
Thursday, 4 March 2010
03/03/2010 Hina Matsuri (Japanese Doll Festival)

Holiday! I am officially on holiday!!! :-)
Yesterday I did my last Japanese exam after the ones that I took also on Monday. Today, I could not believe it. Getting up and not having to go to Uni or work.... it is a bit strange feeling, because it also means that this special moment of my life is coming to a close... :-( but as I am not going to get sad or pessimistic about it, I will let you know that today I have met my colleague, Tsuda-san, who kindly invited me his weekly training of "sado" ceremony or "tea ceremony". For those that don´t know yet, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony is a long ceremony with a lot of rituals in it (like many things in Japanese culture, but unless you are not told sometimes is difficult to grasp). This practice has been done at lunch time at the work place (so, yes, I went back to the building where I have spent the last months!)
I was also told that today, March 3, the "Hina Matsuri" is celebrated. It is also called "Girls day". Yuki-san was going today early because whe had a familiy event due to the special day. Actually I saw a stand full of dolls last week when we went for lunch to Okura hotel but had no idea that there was one specific day for this (also realized this morning on the page of Google that they had done something "different". For more explanations about this day, please, follow this link
I have to say that I am impressed by the amount of festival, festivities and more "special" days that the Japanese culture has in their calendars. Almost every month there is one day that is holiday (thanks to my sister, who is preparing her "return" to Japan, I learnt that this month, due to the beginning of the spring, there is also one day off).
And of course, everybody is waiting for the "sakura". Sakura is the time of the "cherry blossom". Very important time for any Japanese but before the sakura, also the "ume" (and today I learnt about the "momo" -peach- show their beauty in the parks and some streets.
This week, lots of celebrations and the weekend skiing with colleagues from work (Japanese) who are also organizing a Karaoke event for next week as a farewell event. During "bounenkai" (end of the year party) I noticed that many people were extremely fond of Karaoke. Even the most shy colleagues did their show! This time will be even better because now we know each other and the atmosphere is just excellent! ^-^ By the way, I have learnt lately some "emoticons" to the Asian style and the one that precedes this sentence is what for "westerners" is :-)
Some other emoticons are here below (thanks to Kaori-san for her contribution!)
> (^-^) (^-^)v(v sign)
> (^_-)(a wink)
> (>_<)(pain)
> (T-T)(sad)
> m(_ _)m(a bow? よろしくおねがいします)
> (^^)/~~~ (/_;) (bye)
> (@_@) (*_*)(surprised)
> (^-^) (^-^)v(v sign)
> (^_-)(a wink)
> (>_<)(pain)
> (T-T)(sad)
> m(_ _)m(a bow? よろしくおねがいします)
> (^^)/~~~ (/_;) (bye)
> (@_@) (*_*)(surprised)
A few days ago (last week), I realized that according to the Japanese calendar was 22/2/22 or what is the same "palindromic". Ha, ha, I bet that most of you did not know this word in English! No mistery, probably you have guesses that means "that the number read the same both ways". Speaking about reading... there is a though that I have in my head for months and months and is about the differenes in the brain structure that Japanese have to have in comparison to "Westerners". What I mean is the following:
In their culture they open the books or magazines from "our" end, which means that they turn the pages from left to right. Then, they read either from right to left or from top to bottom and to make it more difficult, the "occidental" influence makes reading from left to right and the same for turning the pages... then, no wonder that they must have very skilled and fast brain somehow. Definetly some area more developed than me, for sure! ^_-
And before "calling it a day", I would like to thank to those that have contacted me because heard that there had been some earthquakes in the region. I am fine, thanks for the concern. I only aware about one of them and was far away from Tokyo.
I will come back soon!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Last day of February, last day of the Olympic games in Vancouver, Tokyo marathon and last day at work
What do you think this is?
Some weeks ago I saw this ad on the train.
Japan is a country where you can find new products in the market almost every day
. Yes, you are right, milk and vinegar! I have never tried it and am not attracted by it. On the other hand, I did try "Apple juice with vinegar" some months ago and was not so bad after all!
Updating you about the last days...many, many things going on. I am preparing now the final exams for tomorrow and after tomorrow. After that, pure holiday! (and preparation to go back to The Netherlands :-( .
Emotional week ahead.... and the one that has just finished.
I have realized listening to the radio that today is the last day of the Olympic games in Vancouver, only a couple of weeks ago I was watching the Opening ceremony. Every night, before going to bed I watched different events on TV and the day after I confirmed by reading the newspaper after work.
During the last days, wonderful days in Tokyo. Around 17º C several days, which made difficult to come back to work after lunch outside...
Although it has been a looong week, I also had the time for social life. On Tuesday, Kyoko and Ohkawa-san surprised me taking me to one of the finest sushi restaurants in one of the most famous hotels in Tokyo (Okura hotel) which is located not far from work. It was very pleasant time and loved the menu offered! :-) Thanks to both!On Wednesday evening, with other colleagues from work (not from my team or department but some other departments and people that have been at the EPO in Europe sometime) took me to a Karaoke party in which besides nice dinner I had promised to sing Japanese songs... and did not disappoint! ;-) but I have to say that after this event... I went back to work!
This last week, also the last week at work and had to hand in several presentations and projects for both, the University and work. I have gone home with the last train (like many Japanese and several of my co-workers) several days. By Friday, you can imagine... terribly tired.
On Friday (26th Feb.), small farewell speech at work because I will come back "comme il faut" on 9th March to offer myself a drink in a more relaxed atmosphere. Also my colleagues were extremely busy organizing a big event for next week. However, many colleagues had the time to come to my desk and offer some presents, which I appreciated so much. Futhermore, the closes team invited me for "farewell dinner" to eat Yaki-niku and Shabu-shabu as I had told them some time ago that had never tried it (and actually loved it and recommend!)
On Saturday, early morning, the last Japanese one-to-one class with Taira sensei.
During the weekend, not very nice weather. Today Sunday, the "Tokyo marathon 2010". More than 32ooo runners (and many of them that were out because their number did not come out on the draw!). Impressive! The starting point was very near my apartment (5 min by bike). At 8:30 in the morning I was already on my way but the way it was raining and after watching for 25 minutes runners, I decided that it was too much -I had no sensitivity in my hands anymore!-). Our italian friend and colleague, Francesco, was lucky enough to be able to run the race. I could see lots of foreigners and lots of humorous fancy dresses (cosplay characters, Michael Jackson, World cup... ).
At 9:45 I felt in urge to come back home for a nice bath with warm water and start studying for tomorrow.
This week, interesting one. I am going to a tea-ceremony together with work colleague Tsuda-san I promised to go out with Katagiri-san and some others and the weekend will go skiing with Sakano-san and some other colleagues from work (some I know, some I don´t). Also, preparing the graduation ceremony and the trip that my parents and sister will do from March 15th.
From Wednesday, I expect to have a little bit more time to update this blog and to catch up posting some pictures.
For the moment, one that I had for long time... as you know Japan is a country where there is launching of new products almost every day. Some months ago, I saw this ad on the train to work . Yes, a drink of milk and vinegar! I have never tried it and am not attracted by it.
I go for now, will come back soon! otsukaresamadeshita! (Hope you like this song!)
Monday, 15 February 2010
Blog change of name
I want to warn you all that I have found out that it is possible and easy to change the name of the blog. I would like to make the correction now but then realized that you would lose completely track of my stories (in case you are interested).
The new name will only be changed in that "tokio" (Spanish way) will be spelt "tokyo" (English spelling) to be consistent with the title itself. Please, note it because next weekend I will do officially the change, ok?
Be aware as well that I am spending a little bit of time exploring new possibilities and have added some music that inspires me at the moment.
Bye, bye for now.
The new name will only be changed in that "tokio" (Spanish way) will be spelt "tokyo" (English spelling) to be consistent with the title itself. Please, note it because next weekend I will do officially the change, ok?
Be aware as well that I am spending a little bit of time exploring new possibilities and have added some music that inspires me at the moment.
Bye, bye for now.
Going out with colleagues

Last week on Friday I went out with some of my closest colleagues. They took me to a place in Ginza that I liked a lot (only Japanese people) and we had a very good time together.
I brought for this event Sarka, who is one of our ETP colleagues in Korea. You can see from left to right: Yuki-san, Kyoko-san, Sarka, myself and Ryogi-san (first row on left picture) and Shingo-san (first row on right picture).
The night would have been perfect if my Iphone had not been stolen from my bag! :-( Actually, this circumstance has broken the rule about the honesty and sense of safety and security from this society (me, always exception to the rule! ;-)
This situation means that I don´t have anymore a way to be contacted by phone and since it´s only 6 weeks until the end of my stay... is it really worth to buy another phone (and pay at least a 2 year contract with it?).
The phone device was nice and useful while I had it (mainly because of the GPS system to find places and addresses -which is very tricky in this country-). For the rest, I did not use it very much but the fact that it was stolen... hurts!)
Ok, midnight here, still afternoon in Europe and morning in America. Have a great beginning of the week. Big hug!
ma-ru-ta (the way my name is pronounced here)
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Happy New Year, Chinese New Year of the Tiger

Today is New Year´s day. Yes, it is not that I have lost track of time or something like that. It´s true, according to the Chinese calendar today is New Year´s day. I have had the honour to speak about it during brunch, with Ashley, our Taiwanese friend.
You can seen some traits of the people that are born under the "Tiger" year in this link
Japan has in fact lots of traditions and influences from China. One of them is this concept of the "Year of the Tiger" but in practice, Japanese people don´t start the New Year today but started it on 1st January (according to our "occidental" calendar). I will explain soon how I spent in Japan that day!
I take advantage in this post to share with you something that is also striking for us, the way the Japanese, in their tradition count the number of the year. In official forms we would find numbers like 20, 21, 22.... which initially does not make sense to us, right? However, there is an explanation and it has to do with the number of years that the emperor has been reigning. Now we are under the "Heisei" period, times when the Emperor Akihito is sitting in the throne. One quick way to convert the current year to Heisei is to take the last two digits and add 12 (example, 2010 > 10 + 12 = 22, which means that we are on the Heisei 22nd year!).
You can find more information on this link (
Marta .
(P.S. I am trying to introduce to terms in Japanese -hiragana, katakana, Kanji- but I haven´t been able today!)
Valentine´s day in Japan

Hello everyone!
It has been a long time, isn´t it??
I am sorry, really sorry to have kept you waiting so long and thanks again to all the friends that are always there, being attentive and showing their friendship.
This new year has been so far... very intense! the same style as 2009! ;-)
However, since I came back for New Year´s, the feeling of the "countdown" is closer than ever, so I try to "juice" every minute. Next post I will summarize the things that I have done during the last week since I left for Europe at Christmas time.
As soon as I learned it I was looking forward to the 14 February and seeing it at work but unfortunately this year Valentine´s day fell on Sunday :-( However, although I was preparing something nice for my male colleagues for tomorrow Monday, some of my female colleagues already took a step ahead and started on Friday. It was funny to see one side... and the other! :-)
I found this idea of the woman showing the feelings to men quite unusual but also interesting.
I learnt a few weeks after the teacher told us about S. Valentine´s that, on the other hand, one month after Valentine´s day there is the "White day" (14 March) which is the day in which men give to the girls that they received chocolates from, also chocolates or other kind of gifts (so I cannot wait until that day arrives!!). You can find also an article about this following this link ( In this other link, you can follow a nice blog (in Spanish this time) where also this tradition and many others about Japan and life in Japan are explained (
I hope you enjoy... and Happy Valentine´s day to everyone! Lots of love and friendship from "Nihon",
It has been a long time, isn´t it??
I am sorry, really sorry to have kept you waiting so long and thanks again to all the friends that are always there, being attentive and showing their friendship.
This new year has been so far... very intense! the same style as 2009! ;-)
However, since I came back for New Year´s, the feeling of the "countdown" is closer than ever, so I try to "juice" every minute. Next post I will summarize the things that I have done during the last week since I left for Europe at Christmas time.
But today... what really brings me here is the occasion, a special day, "Valentine´s day"... in Japan!
I had already been explained some months ago by one of the Japanese teachers about the tradition, on this particular day, for the girls, to give chocolates to the boys (and specially to the boys they are particularly "interested in").As soon as I learned it I was looking forward to the 14 February and seeing it at work but unfortunately this year Valentine´s day fell on Sunday :-( However, although I was preparing something nice for my male colleagues for tomorrow Monday, some of my female colleagues already took a step ahead and started on Friday. It was funny to see one side... and the other! :-)
I found this idea of the woman showing the feelings to men quite unusual but also interesting.
I learnt a few weeks after the teacher told us about S. Valentine´s that, on the other hand, one month after Valentine´s day there is the "White day" (14 March) which is the day in which men give to the girls that they received chocolates from, also chocolates or other kind of gifts (so I cannot wait until that day arrives!!). You can find also an article about this following this link ( In this other link, you can follow a nice blog (in Spanish this time) where also this tradition and many others about Japan and life in Japan are explained (
I hope you enjoy... and Happy Valentine´s day to everyone! Lots of love and friendship from "Nihon",
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
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